HypnoPhone and HypnoSkype Sessions

Cheryl happily provides HypnoPhone and HypnoSkype sessions to clients all over the globe. Clients across the US to England, France, Australia, Canada and more have received the benefits of hypnotherapy over the phone.
It’s simple and easy. Contact Cheryl either by email, coneil@cheryloneil.com or call 818-809-4085 to request a HypnoPhone or HypnoSkype session.You will receive an email or call back setting a time for a 40 minute free discussion about your issue and the way hypnosis works using phone or Skype.
Once the plan is in place for HypnoPhone or HypnoSkype sessions, clients are sent paper work for e-signing, including information regarding client payment for sessions by credit card — Visa, Master Card, Discover, or American Express.